Saturday, December 27, 2014


Dear Friend

Throughout the year, but especially during the holiday season, I reflect on our shared commitment to not only the animals we’ve saved, but also to those who still need our help.  Our ongoing spay/neuter campaign is the only humane solution to combat the overpopulation problem of dogs and cats here in São Vicente, Cape Verde.  As you may know,  SI MA BÔ’s volunteers and donors are their greatest hope and we can not extend our gratitude enough for your prior support. 

Daily we treat victims of neglect, abuse, and trauma.  Together, we can put an end to their excruciating pain and suffering and we can not do it without your help!  

I know that you receive many charitable requests at this time of year. I hope you will find it in your heart to include  SI MA BÔ, the only advocate for animals in São Vicente, in your gift giving. I can not emphasize enough that your support is needed more than ever at this very moment. This is because the grant that we were fortunate enough to receive from the European Union for the last three years has come to an end. 

Please support SI MA BÔ using Paypal ( or by making your donation directly to our Italian account at BANCA PROSSIMA, in the name of  SIMABÔ ONLUS, IBAN: IT23 S033 5901 6001 0000 0009 584, swift/bic code: BCITITMX

On behalf of the animals whose lives will be saved by your generosity, I thank you.   

Wishing you and yours the happiest of holidays!

Yours sincerely  


Saturday, December 20, 2014

The other side of the coin

I'm sat outside a small coffee shop in Sao Vicente, across the table from me sits a woman who is filled with the perfect combination of love, determination, sadness and hope. She has been telling me her story for an hour now, and I'm literally engrossed by it. Straight away tell her I want to help, in any way I can, Why? because when I look at Silvia there's nothing but sincerity, she believes in a better life for the thousands of street dogs and cats on this island and this hope that follows her is contagious.

Sylvia is the president for the Cape Verde NGO SI MA BO. SI MA BO in creole means ''just like you'', they are a non profit shelter and clinic for the cats and dogs on the island of Sao Vicente. The organisation offers everything from an affordable vet clinic to the local people, an incredible spay and neuter program, an adoption/rehoming program and shelter to street dogs and cats who have been injured, hurt and are not fit to return to the streets.

You know those moments when you feel like your trapped in a corner, where there are literally no options that are easy or avaliable, if not try and picture it. I've only known Silvia for 2 months, I've stood and listened and watched her face in many of these moments, and everytime she stands unbroken to the problems this african island throws at her to do her job. I would have broke many times in these situations. One evening I went to Silvias to help her with a few things, when I arrive she's nursing a cat that is very very sick, this was the first moment I saw Silvia let down her defences. The compassion, warmth and love she gave that cat in her arms as it passed away was nothing short of beautiful yet heartbreaking, I could feel it so I know the cat could too, that the cat was safe, and loved and it died in a moment when it was not afraid. That moment of compassion was as real as it comes.

As I write this its the holidays, around this time there are thousands of dogs an cats that will survive another day on the street, hunting for scraps, walking the alleys at night where humans are in smaller numbers, sleeping in pits riddled with fleas, lice and ticks, anywhere that can bring quiet and safety for small periods of time. Instead of buying people uneeded gifts; I ask that you consider making a donation to SI MA BO, to these beautiful animals that need you more than ever, these animals that want nothing more than a few minutes of your time and love. Anyone who spends time around dogs knows that they can tell you their life through their eyes, here most are filled with sadness, the most unimaginable sadness. Everyday you want them to know your different, you want them to know they can trust you, but with many too much has happened to convince them otherwise.

Last week I saw a kitten lying on the side of the road, he had been tortured and had its eyes pulled out, the week before a few week old kitten shaking in the middle of the highway as no cars stopped to move it, the week before that people were throwing dogs off piers like frisbees, the same week a guy kicking a dog in the ribs as he passed it, and only yesterday a puppy quivering and whining in pain on the side of the road, there were a least 20 people in the area and I don't know how many had passed before this; luckily I had somewhere like SI MA BO to take him. We can't paint everybody with the same brush, there are many residents of Sao Vicente who really look out for these animals.

There is a story that sums SI MA BO's approach, Sylvia was once showing us around a potential future animal clinic, someone asked her ''have you checked with the neighbours they won't mind the noise'', Sylvia's reply was 'If I worried about what other people thought about these animals they would have nothing'', SI MA BO is their only hope, and as a grassroots organisation they are doing everything right and I wouldn't have enough breath to thank them for everything they do for these animals.

Sylvia is never interested in talking about herself, after a few words she reverts back to the dogs and cats, but I chose to write about her because she represents the change thats possible on this island. Without SI MA BO the suffering, the pain, the relationship between human and street animals would be much worse, slowly she is changing hearts and minds, slowly she is changing peoples attitudes towards dogs and cats, slowly she is breaking down the wall between the human and animal, slowly she is making steps towards humans and dogs living on this island together; without the abuse, the pain and the fear. Once again it takes the efforts of a few incredible people to achieve this, the governments answer on Sao Vicente is to round these animals up and kill them, which isn't unusual around the world, but it's not ok, it will never be ok, SI MA BO are the other side of the coin, right now when its tossed it lands on both sides, with your help we can make sure it lands on SI MA BO everytime.

SI MA BO is defeating statistics..... You can be apart of that!!!!!The new year is crucial for SI MA BO, with EU funding coming to an end, they need all the help they can get, we could write about these stories of sadness all day but these are yesterdays stories, we need to move forward. I ask you deep down, please give what you can, every dog and cat on the island would thankyou!



Saturday, November 29, 2014

A short message from Anja, a tourist from Holland !!

I had a great time at your shelter

The room was so nice, great location

Also the cats stole my heart

I wanted to bring a few home with me ;)

Yes, I'm a veterinary

I got my degree 10 years ago but unfortunately I am not working in this field.

So I could assist somewhat but I'm not really sure of my knowledge.

I would like to come back sometime, as a tourist and maybe to assist a little.

This was a short story about my trip.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dear prospect vet and non-vet volunteers

Verde,  20th October 2014

I am writing as a current volunteer who has been working with the staff, management, and the volunteers with SIMABO Association for the past three months.

When I first arrived in Cabo Verde, it was as a volunteer with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society since I was joining the ship Brigitte Bardot at the Mindelo Marina.  Once I arrived in Cabo Verde, I was horrified to see the number and condition of the street dogs here.  Thankfully, I quickly learnt of SIMABO Association and was able to spend my first two days here volunteering with them,  awaiting the day to join my crew with Sea Shepherd.

After meeting my crew on the Bardot, I was made aware that the volunteer that I was replacing had decided to extend her stay.  This was no problem with my joining at all!  However, I greatly wanted to contribute my energies to both organizations.  Therefore, I made a proposal to Sea Shepherd to switch ships since a crew member of another ship here, the Jairo Mora Sandoval, would need a crew member replaced sooner (but giving me a solid month to volunteer with SIMABO full time). So my proposal was happily approved by Sea Shepherd, who gave me their complete understanding and support, having witnessed the situation here themselves.

It is with great concern that I write this article for SIMABO’s site now. With the presence of more veterinarian volunteers the number of spays/neuters performed is drastically increased and that is what is needed here on this island, Sao Vicente, more than anything.  Just two years ago, the municipality’s solution was a mass poisoning of 400 animals within one night.  Other islands here in Cabo Verde continue legal mass poisonings as a solution which we know is not.  If spaying and neutering is not achieved here on Sao Vicente, I am worried that at some point the municipality will commit another mass killing.  With SIMABO Association,  Sao Vicente can serve as a positive example of the success of applying a spaying and neutering program to the other islands to alleviate the cruel and blatantly wrong mass poisonings being committed to date.

Please feel free to contact me to answer any questions or concerns you may have about particular matters. Since I am currently living on a ship (and volunteering at SIMABO on my days off) I can best be reached by email or Skype.  My email address: Skype: Jeannie.deibel

Jeannie Deibel, Mindelo, S.Vicente, Cabo

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A message from Yasha!!

Hello :0)
I just wanted to say thank you again for yesterday , I was up all night emailing everybody I know all the information and photos of your wonderful project.
so sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye properly, but I WILL be in contact and do all I can to help you
I wanted to come over this morning but all the things that needed to be done yesterday did not get done,
so I have to help get the boat ready this morning as we leave in a few hours
so I am rushing to try and get done faster so that maybe if we have a  few minutes I can pop over again to the shelter with the guys
I will leave some books with Jo and Genie for you to use in the accommodation room
it was an honour to meet you and I am sure we will see each other again somehow
lots of love

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A sweet girl!

A selfie of us

We were on our way to Salamansa. With me is a sweet girl, a 'street dog' from the small village Salamansa. The great staff and volunteers at Si Ma Bo Associaçao spayed her and cared for her following the days after her surgery. I happily rode in the back of the truck with her to provide her comfort during our travel back to here 'home.' Once we arrived there, we were happily met by a long term volunteer who lives in this small community. With her help, Si Ma Bo is continuing to spay/neuter & care for animals there surpassing the number of animals they have already sterilized there ...more than 90%. Goal 100% ♥♥ Oh, she was welcomed by other dogs who were obviously her friends since I witnessed an immediate exchange in bathing and kissing.

Our timing was on point since Si Ma Bo had a planned event in engaging with the community. What a much needed day and lifted my spirits in the heart wrenching happenings day to day here with these poor innocent souls. No doubt, spay & neuter is the only solution to not enough homes and all the needless suffering that follows.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

A trip to Cape Verde

I dreamed for years about traveling to Cape Verde. I dreamed myself away in what I had read about the islands' differences, people, beaches and culture. In March 2014 the time had finally come. Me and my husband would finally go to Cape Verde – on our honeymoon! We chose to go “island hopping” in between the northern islands, starting and stopping at Boa Vista, since the plane from Norway landed there. We visited a total of four islands : Boa Vista, Sao Vicente, San Antao and Sal. Boa Vista and Sal were the islands with the most tourists. 
When we arived we were intrigued by the deserted beaches and dunes all with lovely fine sand from the Sahara .When we arrived at Mindelo (capitol of Sao Vicente) we enjoyed being in a real city. It was filled with shops, markets, cafes and restaurants, the sea and the nice city beach; all within easy reach. The people were  friendly, the sun was high in the sky and tones of live music crept out from cafes and restaurants.
We also took a quad bike tour around the rest of the island, but we realized quickly that it was Mindelo the inhabitants moved to on this island. The signs with "Vende se" hang on a lot of houses in the small villages. One of the things I liked best in Cape Verde was taking ''alegueres'' (pickups with benches on the back) and small mini buses. You tell a driver where to go, he helps you finding the right ride and then wait for the car to be filled by traveller's. Then the journey begins – mayby after a few minutes, maybe after an hour.
Here you will come close to the population and can only sit and take in all the impressions from their music, joyfull screaming and yelling. There is really no stress. It is also possible to rent these cars alone as taxis, but then you will miss the culture. I would also recommend anyone visiting Mindelo to take a few days to visit the neighboring island of San Antao, and the valley Paul. It is not dry and brown as much of the country otherwise, but which reveals itself green, beautiful valleys with high mountain on each side. A few days with walks in the mountains here and you have magical memories for life. Back in Mindelo we had easy access to shops, delicious food , live music and great colorful buildings along the cozy streets again.
We had a lovely holiday and I left with the feeling of having discovered a whole new world. Go here before everyone else does, and by all means: do not only book an all-inclusive trip. Experience the country, the different islands and this sincere friendly people!
Ina Madsen Granholdt


Turen til Kapp Verde

Jeg drømte i flere år om å få dra til Kapp Verde. Drømte meg bort i det jeg hadde lest om øyenes ulikheter, menneskene, strendene og kulturen. I mars 2014 var tiden endelig inne. Jeg og min ektemann skulle endelig til Kapp Verde – og da på bryllupsreise! Vi valgte å øyhoppe i mellom de nordlige øyene, med start og stopp på Boa Vista, siden flyet fra Norge landet der (Star Tour).

Vi besøkte til sammen fire øyer: Boa Vista, Sao Vicente, Sant Antao og Sal. Boa Vista og Sal var de øyene med flest turister. Der ble vi fascinert av de øde strendene og alle sanddynene med deilig finkornet sand i fra Sahara. Når vi kom til Mindelo (hovedstaden på Sao Vicente) nøyt vi det å være i en ordentlig by.

Her var både butikker, markeder, cafeer og resturanter innen rekkevidde, i tillegg til havet og den fine bystranda. Menneskene var vennlige, sola stod høyt på himmelen og toner av live musikk smøg seg ut i fra kaffeer og resturanter. Vi dro også en tur rundt på resten av øya, men vi forstod raskt at det var Mindelo innbyggerne trakk i mot på øya.
Dessverre hang ”Vende se”-skiltene tett i tettstedene på resten øya, og viste til alle begyningene som var for salg. Noe av det jeg likte best på Kapp Verde var å ta alegueres (pick-uper med benker på planet) og små minibusser. Man forteller hvor man skal, får hjelp til å finne riktig skyss, for så  å vente i bilen til den fylles opp av reisende.
Deretter begynner ferden. Her kommer man tett på befolkningen og kan bare sitte å ta inn alle inntrykk med musikk, skrik og skrål og mye glede. Her er det virkelig `no stress`. Det er også mulig å leie disse alene som taxier, men da går man glipp av kulturen. Vil også anbefale alle som besøker Mindelo til å sette av noen ekstra dager for å besøke naboøya Sant Antao, og dalen Paul. Den er ikke tørr og brun som mye av landet ellers, men der åpenbarer det seg grønne, vakre daler med høye dyrkede fjell på hver side.

Et par dager med gåturer i fjellene her og du har magiske minner livet ut. Tilbake i Mindelo fikk vi igjen tilgang på butikker, nydelig mat, live musikk og flotte fargerike bygninger langs de koselige gatene. Vi hadde en nydelig ferie og sitter igjen med følelsen av å ha oppdaget en helt ny verden. Dra hit før alle andre gjør det, og for all del: ikke gå i all-inclusive-fella. Opplev landet, de forskjellige øyene og dette oppriktige vennlige folkeslaget!

Ina Madsen Granholdt